TCF French exam

TCF French exam

Take the official TCF exam in our test centers.

Get your French diploma in our KLF exam centers

About the TCF exam


The TCF exam was designed by the French Ministry of Education to provide official certification of your level of French. It is recognised by the French public authorities when applying for a residency permit or for French nationality. The test thoroughly assesses your written and oral skills, and determines your level on the basis of the score you obtain.

This course is available in our schools
What is the TCF IRN?
What is the TCF Tout public?
What is the TCF Canada / Quebec?

Skills assessed in the TCF exam

Highlighted points of the TCF tests

Written comprehension
Listening comprehension
Written expression
Oral expression

The TCF exam covers all the key skills of the French language, with questions of increasing difficulty. It is taken at a testing center, either on a computer or on paper.


Take your exam in Annecy :

TCF IRN [Register online]

TCF TP [Register online]

TCF QUEBEC [Register online]

TCF CANADA [Register online]


Take your exam in Lyon :

TCF IRN [Register online]

TCF TP / Quebec / Canada [Register online]


Take your exam in Toulouse :

TCF IRN [Register online]

TCF TP / Quebec / Canada [Register online]


Take your exam in Bordeaux :

TCF IRN [Register online]

TCF TP [Register online]

TCF CANADA [Register online]

TCF QUEBEC [Register online]

TCF French exam

Main informations

Sessions all year round

For adults and students

On paper or computer

4 skills


Included in the exam TCF French exam

Preparing for your diploma

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How can I prepare for the TCF?

The TCF consists of a series of well-defined tests that you can prepare for. Extracts from news reports or conversations to listen to for the listening comprehension section, correct phrasing to identify for the grammar section, articles and excerpts from works to read for the reading comprehension section, personal or opinion writing for the speaking and writing sections. To get the best possible training for these tests and achieve a high score, consider the private lessons offered by KLF Group schools.

For what purposes is your TCF score useful?

The TCF IRN is required of all foreigners over the age of 16 for all immigration and integration procedures. TCF level A1 can be used as part of the OFII citizenship programme. TCF level A2 is required to apply for a long-term residency permit. TCF level B1 is required for French nationality applications.